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How commercial insurance can save your small business

Small businesses make up 99 % of all businesses. A small business is defined as one with less than 100 employees. The reality is that most small businesses have 5 employees or fewer. When you are a small business owner, it doesn’t take too much to derail your business and force you to close your doors. Having the right commercial insurance can offer you the protection that you need to survive. At Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA, we make it our business to know your business and recommend the best coverage for your business. 

Trying to keep your business thriving is not easy. If you get hit with a major hazard like a fire or busted pipe, it can put you out of business temporarily. If you don’t have commercial property insurance to help repair or replace your equipment, it can become permanent. Even if you are a renter, there are lots of ways this insurance can help keep your business going. It protects all the things you need to do business, like tools, machines, inventory, raw materials, and office equipment. 

Commercial liability insurance protects your business in the event you are sued. Since about half of all businesses will be sued in any given year, your chances are pretty high that you will be sued at some point. Insurance will pay for the legal fees and the judgment up to the limit of your policy. If you don’t have this insurance, you will be liable for the money and it may cause your business to close its doors. 

Business interruption insurance can be a real business saver. It supplies the money that you need to operate if you can’t be open. Your bills don’t stop just because your income does. While it doesn’t cover everything eventuality, it does cover many. Read your policy. 

Contact Max Insurance LLC in Des Moines, IA for business insurance information. 

Is Commercial Insurance A Necessity?

Max Insurance LLC provides commercial insurance to Des Moines IA residents. We strive to serve our community with ultimate passion and integrity. Initiating a business entity in Des Moines, IA can be frustrating and comes with inherent risks. However, splendid commercial insurance from Max Insurance LLC will simplify the running of your business and offer security against losses arising from things like damage to property or injury to workers. In addition, commercial insurance gets fashioned to help businesses to remain cushioned against prevailing incertitude. 

Is commercial insurance mandatory in Iowa?

Just like many states, commercial insurance is not mandatory in Iowa. Additionally, Iowa requires businesses to carry workers’ comp insurance if it employs one or more workers. It safeguards employees who sustain injuries or get sick on their working premises. Acquiring salient commercial insurance is necessary for your business for the following reasons:

It’s a legal requirement.

Many states, including Iowa, require small businesses to maintain workers’ comp insurance if a business entity possesses more than one employee.

Protection of employees

 If your workers suffer injuries or get sick while working on your business premises, the workers’ comp can protect them. This coverage helps cater to your worker’s medical attention if they sustain an injury or contract an ailment.

Protection of assets

Commercial insurance is a formidable option that can guarantee to safeguard a business’s assets. Many business ventures own valuable fixtures and equipment that are expensive to replace. When disasters strike and damage or your assets get burglarized, a commercial insurance policy will provide you with the coverage you need to replace your assets. Property insurance guards your inventory and office content no matter what transpires.

Liability protection

When you sell a particular product or offer a service in your business, you are venturing into a specific form of liability. If a customer gets injured when at your place of business, you are likely to be held responsible. General liability coverage caters to slander and copyright infringement lawsuits and other potentially devastating issues.

At Max Insurance LLC, we do our best to ensure that our clients are safeguarded with affordable and sufficient coverages. Additionally, we go the extra mile to help you with your insurance needs. To be educated today on getting spectacular commercial insurance, call or visit our offices in Des Moines, IA.